What the frogurt is frogurt, you ask? It's not the latest Game of Thrones character to be murdered, alas it is the latest abbreviation from the world of gastronomy. ' Frogurt ' is a term used to describe frozen yogurt, an ice-cream equivalent that is the latest food phenomenon. What irritates me about frogurt is not the stupid name, but moreso the way the treat has been marketed as a healthy option. Yes I'm sure it is the 'low-fat', healthier alternative to ice cream. I'm not here to argue the science of this trend, but I just feel that people are somehow under the illusion that because what they are eating is 'yogurt', it is magically good for them. Please don't tell me that you think chocolate flavoured frozen yogurt is healthy - it's a desert, plain and simple. On any given weekend in Dundrum shopping centre, swarms of teens are to be seen Instagramming* their mountains of frogurt, scattered with a wide variety of unhealthy confectione...
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