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Showing posts from May, 2018

A country awaits.

Across the country, the ballot boxes are being closed in the referendum on the 36th amendment to the Irish constitution. The referendum will decide whether to retain or replace the 8th amendment to the constitution, which endows the unborn with the equal right to life of the mother. This amendment was introduced by referendum in 1983 in light of the liberalisation of other countries' abortion regimes. Following the seminal US Supreme Court decision in  Roe v Wade,  there was a concern that the Irish Supreme Court could follow suit and legalise abortion in Ireland. Here's an excellent video from the Irish Times chronicling how and why the amendment was introduced and its effects over the past 35 years. Today it has been reported that the turnout in certain constituencies is  remarkably high , and has eclipsed that in the marriage equality referendum. One affluent, young area near where I live is reported to have a turnout of 73%. In contrast, a constituency 4...