Pope Francis In case you've been living under a rock and starved of wi-fi for the past couple of months, you'll be aware that the Pope is coming to Ireland this summer. He'll be hosting a big summer bash known as the World Meeting of the Families (except the single-parent families or the gay ones, of course). This culminates in a very, very big mass in Dublin's Phoenix Park on Sunday August 26th. The last time a Pope said mass in the Phoenix Park, there were over million people in attendance. This mass has been the source of scandal over the past number of days which I will explain presently. Tickets are available for free through this site . The catchy and instantly-hashtaggable 'Say Nope to the Pope' campaign took off in recent days. To be honest, calling it a 'campaign' would be giving it an air of legitimacy which I believe it does not merit, so lets be real. It's a Facebook event set up encouraging people to claim free tickets with no...
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