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Preference VS Protest: Democracy isn't a Competition.

 Shock and awe were evoked in Britons, among people across the European Union and in the greater world community today. The Brexit result left everyone in surprise. It was all very unclear as the polling stations closed last night. With a lack of exit polls, people were left to focus on odds set by bookmakers who ironically predicated the remain side winning.

“I voted ‘no’ but I didn't foresee this outcome” 

- the words of a bemused voter on the BBC this morning. 

 Almost with a tinge of regret, the man appeared to be piecing together the consequences of this landmark vote in his own mind as he answered the question. To him and many Britons, leaving the EU seemed so radical that it could never happen. Well I wonder if the thought crossed his mind that the government could take the Irish approach. That's the tactic which involves re-running a referendum and giving voters a little light encouragement to change their preference. It worked for us. But it seems there's no way back for the UK, not after David Cameron announced his resignation.

 It seems to me that there has been a common thread throughout many of the Brexit voters’ rationale. The vote to many was seen as a protest against the government, perhaps a way to stick the two fingers up to the establishment. But it's this anti-establishment movement that is becoming apparent. So to say, people are dissatisfied with the current government and will vote for the alternative offering, whatever it may be, in protest against the current system.

Donald Trump, who can attribute his mainstream popularity to this anti-establishment sentiment.
 It seems fair to cast a vote as a means of expressing one's dissatisfaction with the government. But one must live with the consequences of this vote, which may end up leading them to a life under a system worse than the one that they are protesting against. This, in my eyes, will be a reality for many Brexit voters. These dissatisfied voters should have used the referendum as an opportunity to seek reform and change in the current political landscape instead of trying to beat the system that they feel let down by. Democracy isn't a competition - it is not about trying to get 'one over' on somebody, it's about expressing your true preferences to achieve a country that represents you.

As Tony Blair remarked today on British television : “This was not a protest vote. This was a decision vote.”


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